Keep Telling Yourself - Bulk

Keep Telling Yourself - Bulk

Keep Telling Yourself offers a fresh take on the power of personal story, with the anchoring premise that the gap between who we are and who we believe we can become is a well of suffering and insecurity.

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What is Keep Telling Yourself about?

Readers will explore a mindset shift in each chapter (including from worthless to worthy, from lack to abundance, from doubt to faith, and from indifference to respect and love). Chad walks leaders through ten story elements, culminating in his poignant look at the payoffs and legacies of life stories. Readers will come away energized and ready to embrace their authority to joyfully, unapologetically pursue personal betterment at any age or life stage.

Is this book for me?

The core audience for Keep Telling Yourself is a group that has been largely left behind by ten years of literature focused on mindfulness and self-acceptance. They are both men and women, incredibly hard-working, and self-made successes. Chad knows this audience well; he interacts with them every day, often in person. This audience connects with Chad because he inspires them to better themselves—not just their profits. Because of their time with him, they aspire to be better parents, better spouses, and better leaders. Each is on a journey of growth and self-love that will be further supported by Keep Telling Yourself.

Chapter Outlines

Chapter 1: That Old Snapshot

  • Chad shares a photo that captures a vulnerable, unhappy time.
  • Introduces the concept of cannonball moments.
  • Emphasizes betterment over achievement.
  • Key themes: confidence, purpose, and self-doubt.

Chapter 2: Origin Story

  • Explore your past to understand and rewrite your narrative.
  • Break free from old, limiting stories.
  • Key themes: victim mindset, story shaping beliefs and behaviors.

Chapter 3: Become the Author

  • Focus on positive self-talk to change your life’s narrative.
  • Key themes: self-perception, internalizing thoughts, life themes.

Chapter 4: Shift Your Energy, Find Your Voice

  • Control and change the energy you bring to any moment.
  • Key themes: energy-voice connection, influencing interactions.

Chapter 5: Set the Stakes

  • Recognize and embrace the stakes in your personal story.
  • Key themes: commitment, purpose, self-worth.

Chapter 6: Free Your Masterpiece

  • Embrace your strengths and potential beyond perceived flaws.
  • Key themes: self-image, following epiphanies, strengths over weaknesses.

Chapter 7: Structure Success

  • Use structure and routines to create a cohesive personal narrative.
  • Key themes: daily routines, habits, motivation.

Chapter 8: Choose Your Circles

  • Deliberately select and evaluate the people in your life.
  • Key themes: relationships, positive influence, personal growth.

Chapter 9: Cultivate Cannonball Moments

  • Seek, document, and cherish significant payoff moments in life.
  • Key themes: memorable moments, personal growth, sharing experiences.

Chapter 10: Keep Telling: Stories That Stick

  • Focus on your legacy and daily impact on others.
  • Key themes: legacy, personal growth, contribution, storytelling.

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